
Movie after working out!

Today one of my classes got cancelled so I always take the opportunity to go to the gym so I can get it over with, I believe the sooner the better. I got home and I really wanted to watch a movie, I haven't caught up on any movies recently, but the last time I went I took my mother to go watch "Nope" with me. If you don't know anything about this movie, you're in for a freaky ride. I was always curious about UFOs and if there's life in other planets, I always grew up with that curiosity since I was a kid. I felt like this movie was a love letter to all those fanatics of ufos. Well I got lucky and I noticed the movie was on HBO Max so i really was down to rewatch it and review it. This is Jordan Peele's third film, the movies called "Nope" and it caught me throughout the movie pretty much saying that to myself. The movie follows these Californian horse ranch caretakers which they begin to discover a mysterious force outside of their home. A force ...

Want bigger biceps?

 There's over a dozen workouts that one could do to target the same muscle, I remember when I started working out I found it overwhelming to how many different workouts people did. For this post, I'm going to focus on bicep workouts which I find to be essentials due through friends recommendations, trainers, and even tick tocks, you'll be surprised how many awesome trainers you can find in Tik-Tok. To be honest I believe that you only need 4 essential exercises for each muscle, I even say 3 Max. So I'll show you the three best workouts to grow bigger biceps at the gym or with any home weights that you have around!  Bicep Hammer Curls Always pick up the weight that you know you can carry, as I said before form before anything. You want to make sure whenever you do hammer curls you don't bend your back and you remain in a comfortable straight standing position. Make sure you pick up the weight like you're holding a hammer (for some reason they're named that) a...

Focus on yourself, it's you versus you!

I remember before I started working out I always had the perception that the gym was a toxic culture. Maybe it was due to the movies I saw that made-up a whole false narrative about the gym culture but I was wrong. In those environments you meet the most kindest and acceptable people ever. It's a great environment of people pushing each other to be a better version of themselves, there was this quote that an older man told me that I used at my friend that changed my perception, I told my friend that it was impressive the weight that he was pushing and he said "I's not impressive, I've seen other people do better than me" I said "what, yea it is, you know what they say Comparison is the thief of joy ". He just looked at me and smiled. That quote was a lesson, it taught me that we limit ourselves and that we're never going to feel fulfill if we compare ourselves to others so we shall be proud of who we are in this very moment, the only competition tha...

Form before anything!

 I had been having some problems with my car but I finally got it back . They only have to repair my AC, but I had to leave the car with the mechanic. I believe it's impossible to drive around the valley without AC. This month of October I'm glad I started on the right foot, and went to the gym after doing some homework. I walked in and saw a friend that I haven't seen since 4grade. I instantly walked up to him and he looked at me with disbelief  " Alejandro is that you" it's a compliment that I get a lot from people that I haven't seen me in a while. I've always been really skinny but I guess I surprise people now that I gain a little bit of muscle. " Dude you look amazing you have to show me what you've been doing, I only been working out for a few months".  I noticed that he was going for the heavyweights, he would bend his back a lot when doing bicep curls. It reminded me of me when I started working out, I went straight to some heavy...

You don't need a Gym

As I mentioned before in my post, I started working out right before the pandemic closed every gym for a whole year, it sucked, but it didn't stop me from finding a way to workout. I went to YouTube college and found so many workouts that I could do from home. I made dumbbells from scratch but later little by little I started investing on some equipment, it was hard because everybody was trying to invest in a home gym. There's nothing like going to the gym and getting a full experience throughout the equipment available, But this tough era of my life taught me that you don't need the most expensive equipment and investing in some few things will get you to have a great workout at home. The days I don't have time to go to the gym i go back to these routines, i get a good quick pump and gets me going thru the day. Lately I've been investing my time working out at home because my car broke down. I highly recommend you investing on these workouts or equipment's if y...

Games that shaped my Life

I was just talking to my friend about how video games nowadays are not like they used to. Before, one would pay full price for a game and would receive what if feels like a full experience for the price paid. Now days many companies in the gaming industry have been exposed to selling unfinished games as well been exposed to just lying to the consumer just to make a quick buck. So my friend and I talked about which games stand the test of time and agreed on these top 3 together.  - Legend of Zelda , I bet many have heard that name and the "Nintendo 64" games really stand out for me. The music, the atmosphere, and just the simplicity of the game overall made it feel like something new. I never understood the story of the game, but as a kid the game overall just haunted me with its unique vibe.    Super Mario 64 , We both agreed that its game packed of many levels that are just unforgettable. Too many this was the first Mario game that they every got their hands on, and to ...